She hired You
Because You were so Handsome
She fired you
Because You were too Serious
A young Ballet Teacher
From Novosibirsk
A nice career in Moscow
Shortened by Misfortune
A Child of the USSR
You left Eltsin's Russia
And cold-hearted Austria
In search of a position
You chose Italy
And you found
You loved the Sea
So you went to Sicily
But you discovered
How cold and damp
Could be Palermo
And how provincial
Were ballet schools
Full of spoiled Fools
And little Harpies.
Thirty-two, blond,
Blue-eyed guy,
Shy and naive,
Speaking only
Russian and French
("Qu'est-ce que c'est pregare ?",
You asked Me once)
You came to Me
(A Stubborn Sixteen)
Unexpected and
At first Unwanted
("What a joke!
He's too young and
Too handsome
To be a teacher!")
But You proved to be
The Bestest Teacher
I could hope to find
In my Desperate Town
And thus, of course,
As all the Good Things
And the Good People
I've met and had in my Life,
You couldn't last for long.
June 16th in the Evening,
At the ending of the Dance Recital
A royal bunch of Agapanthuses
Was given to You
By your youngest Pupils' Mothers
But You gave it to Me
For I deserved It
As I was the only One who danced
Just for the sake of Terpsichore
The only One who worked hard
To add Technique to Talent
And also the only One
Who took You seriously
And really cared for You.
As expected, We were
Both bad-mouthed
By all the Harpies
Who could neither stand nor understand
A Gesture so Natural and Pure,
Selfless, Innocent and Kind,
From a Good Teacher to his Best Pupil.
As those beautiful Agapanthuses
You and I, We were both
Too much "Fleurs bleues"
For the Vulgar Crowd.
As you were too Earnest,
You were not Useful, so
You had to leave:
You moved to Naples,
Then You disappeared
And I didn't find anymore
A Ballet Teacher like You.
Where are You now? I wish I could know.
I hope You are Healthy, Safe and Happy,
Somewhere in this World
So Rude and Unwelcoming
To a bunch of Agapanthuses.
To A., with all my Gratitude and Affection.
(C) Vera da Pozzo
(C) Italy is Mine and It owes Me a Living

Above: the artwork I made today, remembering A., my Russian ballet teacher.
Below: English translation by me.
A.: "For You, Vera!".
Me: "But... they offered these flowers to You!".
A.: "But YOU [have] worked!".
Me: "I thought they were Cornflowers but, some years later, I learnt they were Agapanthuses... The only flowers I received that I've really appreciated! For it was a kind, innocent and absolutely sincere and disinterested gesture...
Wherever You are, A., I do hope You are fine!".
A. chose for me "Aysha's Dance", from the beautiful ballet Gayane (1942) by the Armenian and Soviet composer Aram Ilyich Khachaturian (6th June 1903 - 1st May 1978).
You can listen here an accredited version of this beautiful music, played by the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, conducted by Evgeny Svetlanov. This version is very similar to the one I danced at the ballet school recital.
Here, another version - probably much older and unfortunately unaccredited - of "Aysha's Dance": it is the first one I have found on YouTube and is a bit different: maybe is this version more faithful to Khachaturian's and / or conducted by the composer himself? I hope I will find more informations and, if I do, I will update my article.
As for Agapanthus, I could not post my article without some photographs taken by me: I took these pictures last year in Dublin, during my short holiday in this beautiful City.
Agapanthuses dancing in the fresh, moisty Irish wind. Somewhere in Dublin, in the evening before the first Morrissey's gig at Vicar's Street.

Below: details (left and right side) of the previous picture.

Below: the very first Agapanthuses I have seen last year in Dublin.
In Sicily, they blossom and flourish mostly in June; the very last flowers can bee seen around mid-July.

Below: Agapanthus blossoms in the charming garden of the Marsh's Library I had the great pleasure to visit.

Below: a detail of the previous picture.

(C) Vera da Pozzo
(C) Italy is Mine and It owes Me a Living
#agapanthus #agapanthuses #abunchofagapanthuses #cornflowers #balletschool #ballet #classicaldance #dance #balletteacher #balletstudent #balletpupil #balletmusic #USSR #URSS #Russia #Siberia #Novosibirsk #Moscow #Armenia #AramKhachaturian #Kachaturian #Gayane #Ayshasdance #Austria #Wien #Italy #Sicily #Palermo #Naples #poetry #artwork #art #photography #memory #gratitude #kindness #innocence #fleurbleue #Ireland #Dublin #Morrissey #VeradaPozzo #ItalyisMine #italyismineanditowesmealiving