On this Day
I left my Home, City and Country
For the Unknown
And - somehow - there is still
A part of Unknown
In the Life I have made
And I am making
Since then
But Today
I am not leaving:
Paris can wait for Me
Until Tomorrow
To You, Mamma
Vera da Pozzo, Somewhere in Italy, January 6th (Epiphany) 2025
Above: details and the whole fresco Adorazione dei Magi (1303-1305) by Giotto, my favourite Medieval artist since I was a little child. This masterpiece is part of the Vita di Gesù Cristo (Life of Christ) in Padova (Padua), Cappella degli Scrovegni. I had the chance to admire Giotto's frescoes in Assisi and one day (soon, I hope) I will admire these frescoes and also the fresco cycle Vita della Vergine (Life of the Virgin) at the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua.
I have always found fascinating Giotto's way of painting the eyes and the gazes of his pictorial characters. Baby Jesus looking at the other Magio and the Virgin Mary looking at the Camel (or Dromedary? We cannot see if the animals have one hump or two) are so beautiful.
Below, a little drawing sketched in few minutes, remembering the good old days of innocence.
Poem, drawing and text by me, as always.
(C) Vera da Pozzo
(C) Italy is Mine
(C) Italy is Mine and It owes Me a Living